ADS-B helps you see and avoid because “you can't avoid – what you can't see.”  Whether you're on an IFR flight plan, VFR over-the-top, Flight Following or just heading out for that $100 hamburger; it is the pilot's primary responsibility to see and avoid other traffic.

The specific regulation is CFR Title 14 Part 91; § 91.113 Right-of-way rules:

(b) When weather conditions permit, regardless of whether an operation is conducted under IFR (instrument flight rules) or VFR (visual flight rules), vigilance shall be maintained by each person operating an aircraft so as to see and avoid other aircraft.

However, pilots at times fly in less than ideal visual conditions so while scanning to see and avoid, pilots may encounter aircraft converging at closure rates of 400 knots or more – that's 675 feet per second!  Other aircraft can be on you fast.

So to help with this, ADS-B OUT provides precision aircraft position data with WAAS accuracy.  ADS-B IN provides pilots and flight crews with subscription free traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) alerts via its Traffic Information Services-Broadcast system(TIS-B).

ADS-B is clearly a game changer with regards to CRM (cockpit resource management) and situation awareness.  TIS-B adds another layer of safety and redundancy – so don't leave home without it!

The FAA has mandated ADS-B Out to be installed by 1/1/2020.  It is also closing at speed!

How DTi Can Help Operators and MROs

Most operators and MROs know that during this install, rarely exposed compartments will be opened.  This is a perfect opportunity to inspect/replace/install grommets to protect the EWIS and avoid equipment discrepancies – which are often traced to wiring problems rather than equipment issues.

DTi’s Spring-Fast® best-in-class grommets install for 50% of the cost of the old slow legacy nylon grommets with glue. They install in a 1/10 of the time with finger pressure. Minimal inspection.  No fixturing.  No curing.

This best-in-class EWIS protection helps eliminate chafe-induced arc, spark, and combustion.

TIS-B is described in more detail in the following video: